Seafood Boils and Other Outdoor Meals

  • October 10, 2020
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The days are longer and warmer---ideal for any kind of outdoor gathering. My usual choice for such an event is a seafood party, which can include boiled crawfish, crabs and shrimp all cooked with small red potatoes, corn-on-the-cob (and anything else you might want to add to the pot). And speaking of pots, we have that as well as all the seasoning mixes you’ll need in which to boil your seafood.

Spread the outdoor tables with old newspapers, whip up some dipping sauce, put on some music (try our Rockin’ Zydeco Party CD to get you in the mood), and lay out the seafood. The aroma of all that cooking will certainly tickle the noses and taste buds. Oh, and don’t forget Louisiana brewed Abita beer (Abita Amber is my choice) or their delicious root beer. The kiddies will enjoy a root beer float – put a couple of scoops of vanilla ice cream in a tall glass and fill it up with root beer. Make yourself one as well for a refreshing beverage.

When and if (fat chance) you tire of boiled seafood, you can always have a fish and/or shrimp fry. Hey, if you want oysters, add those to your fried seafood menu as well.

Again, you’ll need a dipping sauce. I tried Cochon’s Abita Beer Whole Grain mustard recently and what a fabulous flavor. Mix it with your favorite mayonnaise and pop it up with a little hot sauce (again your choice) and a squeeze of lemon juice, and you’ll experience real Louisiana flavors---ideal for boiled or fried seafood as well as crudités (that’s a fancy word for fresh vegetable sticks). Hey, I even spread that stuff on a hamburger!

And another idea for a late afternoon or early evening meal is a leisurely outdoor picnic. Our stuffed breads are absolutely perfect for this---heat them up, put them on a tray and ta-da, you have an easy, quick repast. Toss up a big garden-fresh salad and dress it with La Martinque True French Vinaigrette to serve with the stuffed breads. Or, make this wonderful marinated vegetable salad, which can be made ahead of time and stored in the ‘fridge until you are ready to serve.


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